Publications using UCLA SIMS Data

402 N.A. Zirakparvar, S.L. Baldwin, and A.K. Schmitt (2014) Zircon growth in (U)HP quartzo‐feldspathic host gneisses exhumed in the Woodlark Rift of Papua New Guinea. Geochem. Geophy. Geosys. 15, 1258‐1282 doi:10.1002/2013GC004964.    [pdf] summary

334 N. A. Zirakparvar, S. L. Baldwin, and J. D. Vervoort (2012) The origin and geochemical evolution of the Woodlark Rift of Papua New Guinea. Gondwana Research , doi:10.1016/    [pdf] summary

254 S.L. Baldwin, L.E. Webb, and B.D. Monteleone (2009) Late Miocene coesite‐eclogite exhumed in the Woodlark Rift. Geoscienceworld 36, 735‐738 doi:10.1130/G25144A.1.    [pdf] summary

205 B.D. Monteleone, S.L. Baldwin, L.E. Webb, P.G. Fitzgerald, M. Grove, and A.K. Schmitt (2007) Late Miocene‐Pliocene eclogite‐facies metamorphism, D’Entrecasteaux Islands, SE Papua New Guinea. Jour. Metamorph. Geol. 25, 245‐265 doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2006.00685.x.    [pdf] summary

142 S.L. Baldwin, B. Monteleone, L.E. Webb, P.G. Fitzgerald, M. Grove, and E.J. Hill (2004) Pliocene eclogite exhumation at plate tectonic rates in eastern Papua New Guinea. Nature 431, 263‐267 doi:10.1038/nature02846.    [pdf] summary

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